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English translation for "coordinated matrix"


Related Translations:
heliocentric coordinate:  曰心坐标
correct coordinates:  正确坐标
geocentric coordinate:  地心坐标地心座标
coordinate bilingualism:  同等的双语并用
tetragonal coordinates:  四面坐标
heroidal coordinates:  球面坐标
y coordinate:  y坐标纵坐标
natural coordinates:  自然坐标
provisional coordinates:  暂定坐标
chromaticity coordinate:  彩色坐标色度坐标色度座标
Example Sentences:
1.In order to simplify the further analysis , the derivative of this form is also put forward . thirdly , the coordinate matrix transformation that is popularly used and the complex index form transformation are applied to the living examples of industrial robots respectively with the proper referent and motive coordinate systems
Similar Words:
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